Sunday, January 24, 2010

Hyperthyroidism More Condition_treatment How To Tell Difference Between Hyperthyroidism And Hypothyroidism Without Going To The Doctors?

How to tell difference between Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism without going to the Doctors? - hyperthyroidism more condition_treatment

I have no insurance can, then go to the doctor is not an option.

I could buy thyroid medication online, but I do not know if I have hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.

My question then is: How do you know the meaning between the two?


Bolt said...

Consult a doctor. You have no idea how much, if any, medications you need, or what (type T3, T4, or a combination of both). What happens if you take too much at the end instead of the hyper and hypo? that you are not helping and in fact lasting damage may have caused.

Many people have problems with the thyroid gland does not change the weight or other symptoms. I have met in obese patients with hyperthyroidism, which seems impossible based on lack of knowledge of the general public on the function of the thyroid. The thyroid has many other things in the body regulates weight. The main symptoms of thyroid mood in some patients may be, for example.

Online purchases of drugs is also very risky, (especially without the use of drugs to individuals that can be overcome by rough handling), and (if foreign suppliers, the product may be contaminated directly or false).

Logan said...

You know, you try to diagnose is very dangerous. A key feature of hyperthyroidism with weight loss, anxiety, irritability, manifest, and I think hyperness tachycardia (rapid heartbeat). Moreover, hypothyroidism, weight gain, bradycardia (slow heartbeat) and thinning of the hair and nails.

My advice: Go see a doctor. You can not set a price for the life of a man.

Logan said...

You know, you try to diagnose is very dangerous. A key feature of hyperthyroidism with weight loss, anxiety, irritability, manifest, and I think hyperness tachycardia (rapid heartbeat). Moreover, hypothyroidism, weight gain, bradycardia (slow heartbeat) and thinning of the hair and nails.

My advice: Go see a doctor. You can not set a price for the life of a man.

winkcat said...

If the thyroid is high, your metabolism is high, less sleep, you can lose weight.
so weak, it is possible that the weight gain, sleep disturbance, fatigue more.

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